Written by the late Fr. Kennedy Katongo,
OMI JPIC Director – Rome
1980 - 2016
Originally Published at OMIWORLD.ORG
Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Ministry is central and at the heart of
our mission as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. JPIC ministry is our way
of life and our way of mission and forms an integral part in our process of
Evangelization. This is important to remember especially as we go through the
third year of the Oblate Triennium, as we reflect on the 200th anniversary
of the Congregation and as we approach the forth-coming 36th General
Chapter. It is important to note that we live in a world today that is
characterized by rapid changes that create both opportunities and challenges.
the ministry of JPIC begins with seeing, to ‘really see’ – to have a truthful
and deeper look at – to take a contemplative stance and a prophetic reading, to
be able to discern in light of the values of the Gospel what is happening in
our world today – our common home. JPIC ministry assists us in analyzing the
current reality with a contemplative perspective to see more deeply the
structures that generate poverty, devastation of the environment, conflict and
violence and how we might more fully make the values of the Kingdom more
visible and functional. This is the reality and the world in which we as
Oblates live and minister to the people.
Oblates, we look at the world through the eyes of the Crucified Savior so that
those who suffer will be strengthened with the hope of the power of the
resurrection (C#4); this was the perspective of our Founder St. Eugene de
Mazenod and the Oblate charism. As Father Louis LOUGEN, our Superior General,
says about the Oblate Charism:” "We are fired by a charism that is unique
and special in the Church, one that makes us very close to the poor, the
rejected, the forgotten, the people that society ignores, and the people who
don’t feel accepted in church…We show a very human face of Jesus to the world,
one full of compassion and solidarity.” Thus, many Oblates all over the world
are working with, among and for the poor and are therefore exercising this
ministry, even though they may not use this JPIC terminology.

as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and our associates, we strive to
integrate into our ministry this vital aspect of the "liberating presence
of Jesus Christ and the new world born in his resurrection” (C 9). We do this
through our OMI JPIC congregational priorities.
four Priorities were first developed in 2009 and were revised in 2012 following
a process of both consultation and discernment by the Central Government and
the OMI JPIC General Service. This process took into account the 2010 Chapter
mandate "to develop fresh animation for mission and for discerning new
missionary strategies and major missionary challenges”. It is also very clear
that these priorities are ad intra: Witnessing Jesus Christ
faithfully through our Oblate Charism demands that we put these priorities into
practice first in our own Oblate community life; and ad extra: The
way we organize our community is our first missionary commitment in witnessing
and building the Kingdom of God, preached by Jesus, as the Good News for all
Creation, all men and women. These priorities are:
commit ourselves to work especially in promoting the rights of all peoples, as
individuals and as communities, with special emphasis on indigenous peoples and
migrants. We commit ourselves so that all peoples should be respected in their
right to life from conception to life’s natural end and to have access to basic
human needs as well as the right to enjoy the free exercise of civic,
political, social, religious and cultural rights, and to have a healthy
community to live in.
are also attentive to include in the initial and ongoing Oblate Formation
curriculum the specific training in the area of conflict resolution and
reconciliation at the social, religious and political levels, for instance
between ethnic groups in the regions that we are currently ministering.
commit ourselves to an integral relationship between humanity and nature as
gifts of God, and protection of the environment and commitment to ecology.
are committed to the promotion of basic literacy and education as a fundamental
right so as to empower people in their search for greater dignity and
opportunities. We believe that preparation and updating for this dimension of
our mission should be included in all of our formation programs. This includes
the different stages of initial formation, ongoing formation and leadership
training programs that are planned at different levels of the congregation. We
act so that lay people and Oblates together assume responsibility for our
mission. Catholic social teaching and JPIC training needs to be an integral
part of our formation programs for Oblates and the laity.
Pope Francis states: "the deterioration of the environment and of society
affects the most vulnerable people on the planet, the poorest and the excluded,
who are the majority of the planet’s population, and who are often treated in
international discussions as an afterthought or as collateral damage.” He notes
that "a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must
integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear
both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” (LS 48-49).
in this Year of Mercy and the Oblate 200th anniversary, let us
be renewed and resolved in our commitment to our mission and the ministry of
JPIC. For this is the call and invitation from the forthcoming General Chapter,
"Evangelizare pauperibus misit me”. May Mary Immaculate strengthen and
inspire us, as she herself is a woman of justice who sang of the new world of
God’s kingdom where the poor would be given their fill and find freedom as sons
and daughters of God.