Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops has released an urgent Pastoral
Statement about the deteriorating political situation in Zambia.
Full Statement: Zambia Catholic Bishops Pastoral Statement on the Current Political Situation in Zambia:
“We decry the bad habit which political parties in power assume immediately they make a government of using the Police Service to settle political scores and prevent their political rivals from organizing, campaigning and therefore selling their vision of the country and nation to the electorate. It is the same story from one administration to the other and the present government is no exception, if not one of the best examples of the misdeed just mentioned! As a result of brutalizing the people through the Police Service, the general public is reduced to fear so that the order of the day is corruption and misuse of public funds. Anyone who criticizes the government for wrongdoing is sure to have the police unleashed on him or her…
…We applaud and praise those Zambians on the political playing field who, in spite of all sorts of provocation, are committed to peaceful means of doing politics and refrain from any violence, verbal or physical.”